The Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA) started Continuing Medical Education (CME) Programme for doctors in 2000. Being a major advocate for lifelong medical education especially for Non-Specialists, the HKMA has been providing diversified medical learning in the form of webinars, lectures, seminars, conferences, symposia, workshops, discussion groups and self-study exercises. The HKMA is also a listed CME Programme Administrator, CME Programme Provider and CME Programme Accreditor of the Medical Council of Hong Kong. Over 1,700 Non-Specialists registered our Association as their CME Administrator. Join us now and take part in our latest CME activities!
香港醫學會自2000 年起為醫生開設持續醫學進修課程,致力倡導持續醫學進修。多年來為醫生,尤其是非專科醫生,提供多元化的學習平台和途徑,如線上進修、講座、會議、專題研討會、工作坊和自修系列等。香港醫學會亦是香港醫務委員會批准之持續醫學進修計劃管理、課程提供及認證機構。目前有超過 1,700 名非專科醫生選擇本會作為其持續醫學進修計劃的管理機構。請即參加香港醫學會的持續醫學進修活動!
For CME Administrator
For CME Accredtiation 申請認證持續醫學活動學分
To apply CME accreditation for CME activities in hybrid format, submit signed application forms provided below.
Application Form for Accreditation of CME Activities 申請認證持續醫學活動學分
Application Form for Accreditation of CME Online Activities 申請認證網上持續醫學活動學分
Please read the following guidelines on registering the CME Lecture and how to attend the CME Online Lecture through the CME Portal.
請參閱下列教學以了解課程報名和登入的詳情 (只備英文版本)。
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已經是香港醫學會會員? 請使用醫學會會員號碼
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